Is Your Job Causing Poor Posture & Back Pain?

Is Your Job Causing Poor Posture & Back Pain?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics published a report in 2016 about back injuries sustained due to musculoskeletal disorders experienced at work. They can result from over-exertion or repetitive movements that result in injured tissues, sprains, tears, hernias, and other problems.

This report revealed that nursing assistants suffered the greatest number of back problems, which aggregated to 10,330 cases. At the second highest rank were laborers and movers who experienced 10,660 musculoskeletal disorders.

Here are all the jobs that can pose health risks to your spine and result in poor posture and severe back conditions.

Nine-To-Five Jobs

Your job is not only demanding mentally but physically as well. It can pose serious health risks to your spine because of the long hours and a sedentary work lifestyle. The cost of suffering a back-injury at work is measured more than in just pay cuts. It can also mean the difference between health and lifelong disability.

Construction Workers

Construction Workers

Construction sites have popularly been known as high-risk places which are riddled with health and safety hazards. From working on dangerous heights to operating within risky structures, construction workers spend long hours every day in an unsafe environment. They engage in tasks such as lifting, bending, pulling, carrying and tugging heavy objects which adds a strain on the spine. More than 30% cases of absenteeism in the construction industry are a result of back or neck sprains.

Life-threatening falls have more often than not ended up in lifelong disabilities.

Nursing Home Workers

Nursing Home Workers

The demand for nursing assistants is increasing by the day as the senior aging population is growing in size. Frail elderly people and patients require 24-hour care with the help of a nursing worker who would undertake all responsibilities from dressing to bandaging and more. Since the job often requires lifting paralyzed patients and moving them around, it’s physically demanding work.

Such care-providers often overlook their own health while offering assistance to patients. Spine injuries and persistent back pain are common complaints reported by nurses.

Warehouse Workers

Warehouse Workers

Since warehousing is also a strenuous job, workers report shooting pains in their spinal regions. Their work mostly revolves around moving heavy consignments, twisting at dangerous angles, and awkward postures. Even safety procedures such as including forklifts for transporting heavy packages can pose safety risks because of whole-body vibration for extended periods. Prolonged vibrations have been known to cause back sores, rashes and serious injuries.

If you’re looking for a physical therapist near you, we offer excellent rehabilitation in Houston, TX. Our physical therapy is the best for sustained back injuries and spinal pain. Contact us if you want to get the best treatment before backache gets the best of you.