The Functional Capacity Evaluation is a formal evaluation designed to determine physical and functional capabilities and work tolerances using the J-Tech computerized testing system.
This evaluation is a requirement for entrance into either a Work Conditioning or Hardening Program, and determining return to work status and/or physical limitations.
FCE is the single most reliable measure to determine if a successful return-to-work is possible.
It is inherently a thorough and accurate evaluation process, which plays a role in:- Texas Workforce Commission/Disability Division
- Social Security Disability Administration
- Workers' Compensation / Return to Work Program
- Individual's Residual Physical Abilities
- Level of Effort Exerted during Testing
- Reliability of Reports of Pain and Limitation
- Overall Gauge of Feasibility for Employment
- What can the client physically do today?
- Can the client safely return to work at a specific occupation at this time?
- Will the client need accommodations on the job?
- Would the client benefit from physical therapy or medical intervention?
Components of a Functional Capacity Evaluation:
- Psycho-Social Screening
- Physical Examination
- Cardiovascular Assessment
- Non-Material Handling Assessment
- Maximum Voluntary Effort Grip/Pinch
- Isometric Tests (NIOSH)
- Dynamic Lifting Assessment
- Hand Dexterity Assessment
- Measurement of baseline physical abilities
- General return to work readiness
- Work readiness for a specific occupation